Add Private Web Applications

Use this task to add web applications.

  1. Go to Applications > Applications.
  2. Select Add Application and configure the settings. select Private Web App.
    Field Description
    Application Name Enter at least three alphanumeric characters.
    Application Type Select Private Web App from the drop-down list.
    Associated Site Select a site or create a new one.
    Associate Service Connector Select a connector or create a new one.
  3. Select Next if you are in the onboarding workflow, if not select Add.
    The Add Application - Application Info pop-up window displays.
  4. Enter the complete URL ( e.g., https://<website>.com).
  5. Select Add.
    This step can take up to a minute to complete as it tests the application connectivity. When it does, the application's status is Up.
  6. To remove an existing application, select Elipses and select Remove.